Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Cannabis' work & voicethread



  1.- What are the origins of this drug?

      The cannabis is origin of central Asia and the South. The        first lead of cannabis was found  in China  in an old book called "Pent Ts'ao" of Shen Nung, an old chinese emperor, fifth thousand  years  ago. This drug was cultivated and harvested to medical use.

2.- What effects does this drug produce on people? 

              long-term consumption leads to addiction, in search of the drug despite knowing its harmful effects upon social functioning in the family, school, work and recreation. Also people who used cannabis report irritability, difficulty sleeping, decreased appetite, anxiety, and drug craving, all of which complicate the stop using it.

3.-What are the consequences of its addiction?

       that marijuana has the potential to cause problems in daily life or make a person's existing problems worse. In fact, heavy marijuana users generally report lower life satisfaction, poorer mental and physical health, relationship problems and less academic performance.

4.- How does this drug affect a person’s body and mind?

When THC enter the brain, the user feels euphoric or "high", because THC acts on the brain reward system. This system consists of the brain regions that govern the response of the person pleasant things. THC activates the reward system by stimulating brain cells to release a chemical called dopamine.The THC make you have increased sensory perception, laughter, altered perception of time and increased appetite. The euphoria passes after a while and the user may feel sleepy or depressed. And your eyes become red. 

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Summary HoD 20-30

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

  Summary HoD

In this 10 pages Kurtz get into the book. Kurtz was at the time in charge of a very important commercial station in the true ivory country, in the heart itself, and sending much ivory as all the other agents together. There was the accountant that gave the ivory to Mr. Kurtz.
  Waste cotton, beads, brass wire, was sent to the depths of darkness, and it return turned ivory.

Marlow travels from Deal to Gravesend with a caravan of sixty black peoples.

After fifteen days , Marlow came with difficulty to the Station. Marlow have the mission to rescue the boat from the river that two days ago had been sunk and built it again so they can go back to the river

There Marlow had his first interview with the director.

     Why is alternative medicine less expensive than 

                    Conventional medicine is a system by wich medics treat diseases using drugs, radiaton or surgery. Alternative medicine is all the medicinal treatment made with nature.

                   Alternative medicine as I say, is medicinal treats made by nature, like for exampleYoga, ayurveda, acupunture, acupressure, reiki.
                  Conventional medicine is medicinal treats using drug, pils, surgery, like aspirine , medical operations, that is use to health the people with diseases.
                  Conventional medicine is better than alternative medicine because is more effective and credible than alternative medicine is.

                  Alternative medicine is cheaper than Conventional medicine because is part of the nature,   so you dont have to pay for all the medical treatment , you just have to pay for the person initiated in the different kind of Alternative medicine you need to do it.