Friday, 28 June 2013

Snoring (Conventional Medicine)


Monday, 17 June 2013



                         Is the system or policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations. 

As we can see the historical context in HoD is the imperialism in Africa.

Opinion Piece

                                                               Opinion Piece

         Snoring is an acoustic phenomenon that takes place during the sleep as a consequence of the vibration of the nasoorales structures.

This illness has to be treated with Conventional Medicine , because it must be treated by different kinds of treatment or surgery.

In my opinion this illness has to be treated with Conventional Medicine because in a lot of cases a surgery has to be realized, also there are cases in which its necessary to follow a treatment.

In 2010 , doctor Claudio R. Haissiner said that not only coblation's              treatment resolve this illness , but also it is simple and Natural.

coblation treatment

In my opinion CPAP'S treatment is the best treatment and the best way to resolve this illness because is the most effective way to heal it.

In conclution this is not the most dangerous illness, but it has to be treated , if not it will bring several consequences.


                                  Guideline Video 

I will send it by email.


                                    Link Glogster

summary HoD (30-40)


                                             Summary HoD (30-40)

   Marlow was looking for Mr Kurtz. A white man , called Eldorado 
Exploring Expedition, enters the campament. Marlow was sleepy    
and they have to start over again the adventure that he was living in the Congo.    

Monday, 10 June 2013

English Cumulative Project

                                                                                     Diego Jiménez
                                                                                      Matías Battaglia                  I°A
                                                                                     The Mackay School

                                              English Cumulative Project


1. -   What are the characteristics of this illness or upheaval?

   Snoring patients do not breathe properly during sleep. The person may have a severe excessive daytime sleepiness. The persons can present a severe and excessive diurnal drowsiness, and likewise, traverse risk of unleashing, later, diseases as arterial hypertension, heart attacks and cerebral hearts attacks. If you snore in intense form during every night, and in all you position(Sideward, backs, etc.) them it is advisable that it consults a doctor because it can manage to be very serious as the diseases mentioned previously.

2.-     Why does it occur?

Snoring occur in patients whose anatomical characteristics predispose to high airway obstruction during night: deviated septum, hypertrophy (growth) of nasal turbinate or tonsils, elongated palate, prominent language, short neck. Any respiratory inflammation (allergic rhinitis, colds, sinusitis, and tonsillitis) can aggravate the obstruction. Overweight and obesity also contribute, to strengthen high airway by deposits of fat under the respiratory mucosa. Another cause of the snoring is the vibration of the soft tissue at the top of the throat, the abrupt intake of breath against that flabby skin is the vibration commonly referred to as a snore.

3.-   What are the most common symptoms?

   Some symptoms of Snoring are: 
A) Some patients stop breathing even for a quarter of the time of its sleep period.
B) Have a strong daylight solemnia often prevent good job performance and personal.
C) Have a character irritable, anxious or depressed.
D) Some patients with apnea of the dream remain slept in risky situations. For example, during the work, while drive, etc

4. - What types of treatment or therapy can a patient use?
       How long do they take?
       What are their pros and cons?

    The first line of treatment is to correct habits: suspend tobacco and alcohol consumption, weight loss and improve the "Sleep hygiene". When these measures are not sufficient, must resort to more advanced therapies: surgery or the use of CPAP, a device that compresses the air and sends it with positive pressure to the airway through a mask to avoid muscular pharynx collapse when sleeping. It is a highly effective treatment but it requires its use every night. This treatment has duration of one month and a half more less, but in the case that Snoring continues, you have to keep doing this treatment.

5.-  What are the real possibilities of recovery if using this type            of  medicine?

The possibilities using Conventional Medicine are big because it is possible to intervene across a surgery or treatment depending on the gravity of the disease in the patient. As for treatments is the CPAP, that as we said it previously, is a machine that provides air of form continued to the route top area injecting anger to pressure during the night, and this way he avoids the blockade. The air enters across the nose by means of a mask. In surgery we have a surgery, this surgery is practiced using two-pole electrodes directly in the nasal cornetes. This surgery is ambulatory and of low cost for being slightly invasive and needing only local anesthesia.

6.-  What type of remedies can a patient take?

      More  than remedies, one occupies many machines of treatment And / or surgery like that we mention previously, but nonetheless after the surgery that we speak it is asked that the patient uses in some time a special bandage that spreads from the top part of the head and closes the jaw, with the purpose of accustoming the patient to breathing for the nose.

7.- What are the costs involved?

          The cost of this treatment or surgery are more than others, personal because in case of taking vices as for example the cigarette or the alcohol. Also it is necessary to cover the expenses of these treatments, surgery and the objects for its that are not so expensive.

8.-  Do health programs in Chile cover this treatment expenses?
       How about health programs of the USA?

The programs of health in Chile are divide in two parts, the Isapre and Fonasa. Fonasa is a program of health of the government while Isapre is private, these cover your health as for your monthly income. While in USA they find two types of program of health, the Medicare and the Medicaid. Medicare is for all the people older than 65 years and Medicaid is for all the people under 65 years. This two programs of health cover all the expenses in the treatment, but in some cases they have to paid a co-payment.